; ******* Projectile Statistics ******* ; Projectiles describe how and what image to use as the weapon flies ; to its target. Think of the projectile as the "delivery method" used ; to get the warhead to the desired target. ; AA = Can this weapon fire upon flying aircraft (def=no)? ; AG = Can this weapon fire upon ground objects (def=yes)? ; ASW = Is this an Anti-Submarine-Warfare projectile (def=no)? ; Animates = Does it animate [this means smoke puffs] (def=no)? ; Arcing = Does it have a ballistic trajectory (def=no)? ; Arm = arming delay (def=0) ; Degenerates = Does the bullet strength weaken as it travels (def=no)? ; Dropping = Does it fall from a starting height (def=no)? ; Frames = number of image frames for animation purposes (def=1) ; Gigundo = Is the projectile larger than normal (def=no)? ; High = Can it fly over walls (def=no)? ; Image = image to use during flight ; Inaccurate = Is it inherently inaccurate (def=no)? ; Inviso = Is the projectile invisible as it travels (def=no)? ; Parachuted = Equipped with a parachute for dropping from plane (def=no)? ; Proximity = Does it blow up when near its target (def=no)? ; ROT = Rate Of Turn [non zero implies homing] (def=0) ; Ranged = Can it run out of fuel (def=no)? ; Rotates = Does the projectile have rotation specific imagery (def=no)? ; Shadow = If High, does this bullet need to have a shadow drawn? (def = yes) ; Translucent = Are translucent colors used in artwork (def=no)? ; UnderWater = Does the projectile travel under water? ; invisible flight to target [Invisible] Inviso=yes Image=none ; special case for dog [LeapDog] Image=DOGBULLT Translucent=yes Rotates=yes Proximity=yes ROT=20 ; straight high-speed ballistic shot [Cannon] Image=120MM ; anti aircraft artillery projectile [Ack] Image=none Inviso=yes AA=true AG=false ; Sub-surface projectile. [Torpedo] UnderWater=yes Image=MISSILE Rotates=yes ASW=yes ; Free Rocket Over Ground [FROG] Arm=10 High=yes Shadow=no Proximity=yes Animates=yes Ranged=yes Inaccurate=yes Image=V2 Rotates=yes ; small homing missile (targets vehicles best) [HeatSeeker] Arm=2 High=yes Shadow=no Proximity=yes Animates=yes Ranged=yes Inaccurate=yes AA=yes Image=DRAGON ROT=5 Rotates=yes Translucent=yes ; small missile with deadly accuracy [LaserGuided] Arm=3 High=yes Shadow=no Proximity=yes Animates=yes Ranged=yes AA=yes Image=DRAGON ROT=20 Rotates=yes Translucent=yes ; anti aircraft missile [AAMissile] Arm=3 High=yes Shadow=no Proximity=yes Animates=yes Ranged=yes AA=yes AG=no Image=MISSILE ROT=20 Rotates=yes Translucent=yes ; lobbed tumbling grenade [Lobbed] High=yes Arcing=yes Inaccurate=yes Image=BOMB Frames=8 Translucent=yes ; Depth charge catapult [Catapult] High=yes Arcing=yes Inaccurate=yes Image=BOMB Frames=8 ASW=yes AG=no Translucent=yes ; dropped from plane tumbling object [Bomblet] Arm=24 RangeLimit=24 High=yes Dropping=yes Image=BOMBLET Frames=6 Translucent=yes ; arcing ballistic projectile [Ballistic] High=yes Arcing=yes Inaccurate=yes Image=120MM ; parachute bomb [Parachute] Arm=24 RangeLimit=24 High=yes Dropping=yes Parachuted=yes ;Image=PARABOMB ; Allied free radar (GPS satellite) [GPSSatellite] Gigundo=yes High=yes Image=SPUTNIK Frames=4 ; Nuclear missile, flying up [NukeUp] Gigundo=yes High=yes Image=ATOMICUP Frames=4 ; Nuclear missile, flying down [NukeDown] Gigundo=yes High=yes Image=ATOMICDN Frames=4 ; wizard's fireball [Fireball] Animates=yes Image=FB1 Frames=8 ; ******* Warhead Characteristics ******* ; This is what gives the "rock, paper, scissors" character to the game. ; It describes how the damage is to be applied to the target. The ; values should take into consideration the 'area of effect'. ; example: Although an armor piercing tank round would instantly ; kill a soldier IF it hit, the anti-infantry rating is still ; very low because the tank round has such a limited area of ; effect, lacks pinpoint accuracy, and acknowledges the fact that ; tanks pose little threat to infantry that take cover. ; Spread = damage spread factor [larger means greater spread] (def=1) ; [A value of 1 means the damage is halved every pixel distant from center point. ; a value of 2 means damage is halved every 2 pixels, etc.] ; Wall = Does this warhead damage concrete walls (def=no)? ; Wood = Does this warhead damage wood walls (def=no)? ; Ore = Does this warhead destroy ore (def=no)? ; Verses = damage value verses various armor types (as percentage of full damage)... ; -vs- none, wood (buildings), light armor, heavy armor, concrete ; Explosion = which explosion set to use when warhead of this type impacts (def=0) ; 0=none, 1=piff, 2=piffs, 3=fire, 4=frags, 5=pops, 6=nuke ; InfDeath = which infantry death animation to use (def=0) ; 0=instant die, 1=twirl die, 2=explodes, 3=flying death, 4=burn death, 5=electro ; Mechanical warhead - doesn't affect infantry (only for mechanic, not weapons) [Mechanical] Spread=0 Verses=100%,100%,100%,100%,100% InfDeath=0 ; general multiple small arms fire [SA] Spread=3 Verses=100%,50%,60%,25%,25% Explosion=2 InfDeath=1 ; high explosive (shrapnel) [HE] Spread=6 Wall=yes Wood=yes Verses=90%,75%,60%,25%,100% Explosion=5 InfDeath=2 ; armor piercing (discarding sabot, narrow effect) [AP] Spread=3 Wall=yes Wood=yes Verses=30%,75%,75%,100%,50% Explosion=4 InfDeath=3 ; napalm and fire in general [Fire] Spread=8 Wood=yes Verses=90%,100%,60%,25%,50% Explosion=3 InfDeath=4 ; anti-infantry rifle bullet (single shot -- very effective verses infantry) [HollowPoint] Spread=1 Verses=100%,5%,5%,5%,5% Explosion=1 InfDeath=1 ; special case damage effect (do not use for regular weapons) [Super] Spread=1 Verses=100%,100%,100%,100%,100% InfDeath=5 ; special case to only affect infantry (do not use for regular weapons) [Organic] Spread=0 Verses=100%,0%,0%,0%,0% InfDeath=0 ; Nuclear warhead (same as fire) [Nuke] Spread=6 Wall=yes Wood=yes Ore=yes Verses=90%,100%,60%,25%,50% Explosion=6 InfDeath=4