; ******* Unit Statistics ******* ; Specifies the characteristics of the various game objects. ; Ammo = number of rounds carried between reloads [-1 means unlimited] (def=-1) ; Armor = the armor type of this object [none,wood,light,heavy,concrete] (def=none) ; Cloakable = Is it equipped with a cloaking device (def=no)? ; Cost = cost to build object (in credits) ; Explodes = Does it explode violently when destroyed [i.e., does it do collateral damage] (def=no)? ; GuardRange = distance to scan for enemies to attack (def=use weapon range) ; Image = name of graphic data to use for this object (def=same as object identifier) ; Invisible = Is completely and always invisible to enemy (def=no)? ; Owner = who can build this [Allies or Soviet] (def="allies,soviet", i.e., all) ; Points = point value for scoring purposes (def=0) ; Prerequisite = list of buildings needed before this can be manufactured (def=no requirement) ; Primary = primary weapon equipped with (def=none) ; Secondary = secondary weapon equipped with (def=none) ; ROT = Rate Of Turn for body (if present) and turret (if present) (def=0) ; Reload = time delay between reloads (def=0) ; SelfHealing = Does the object heal automatically up to half strength (def=no)? ; Sight = sight range, in cells (def=1) ; Strength = strength (hit points) of this object ; TechLevel = tech level required to build this [-1 means can't build] (def=-1) ; Sensors = Has sensors to detect nearby cloaked objects (def=no)? ; DoubleOwned = Can be built/owned by all countries in a multiplayer game (def=no)? ; <<< applies only to infantry types >>> ; C4 = Equipped with building sabotage explosives [presumes Infiltrate is true] (def=no)? ; Fraidycat = Is it inherently afraid and will panic easily (def=no)? ; Infiltrate = Can it enter a building like a spy or thief (def=no)? ; IsCanine = Should special case dog logic be applied to this? ; <<< applies only to moving units (not buildings) >>> ; Passengers = number of passengers it may carry (def=0) ; Speed = speed of this object [n/a for buildings] (def=0) ; <<< applies only to terrestrial driving vehicle types >>> ; Crushable = Can it be crushed by a heavy tracked vehicle (def=no)? ; Tracked = Is this vehicle tracked [as opposed to wheeled] (def=no)? ; NoMovingFire = The vehicle must stop before it can fire (def=no)? ; <<< applies only to building types >>> ; BaseNormal = Considered for building adjacency checks (def=yes)? ; Adjacent = distance allowed to place from other buildings (def=1) ; Bib = Should the building have an attached bib (def=no)? ; Capturable = Can this building be infiltrated by a spy/engineer (def=no)? ; Crewed = Does it contain a crew that can escape (def=no)? ; Power = power output [positive for output, negative for drain] (def=0) ; Powered = Does it require power to function (def=no)? ; Repairable = Can it be repaired (def=yes)? ; Storage = the number of credits this building can store (def=0) ; Unsellable = Cannot sell this building (even if it can be built)? ; WaterBound = Is this building placed on water only (def=no)? ; ******* ship types ******* ; HeliCarrier [CARR] Prerequisite=hpad,atek Strength=350 Primary=AirAssault Armor=heavy TechLevel=-1 Sight=6 Speed=6 Owner=allies,soviet Cost=1200 Points=25 ROT=7 Passengers=5 ; Missile Submarine [MSUB] Prerequisite=stek Primary=SubSCUD Strength=150 Armor=light TechLevel=9 Sight=6 Speed=5 Owner=soviet Cost=1650 Points=45 ROT=7 Cloakable=yes Inaccurate=no ; submarine [SS] Prerequisite=spen Primary=TorpTube Strength=120 Armor=light TechLevel=5 Sight=6 Speed=6 Owner=soviet Cost=950 Points=45 ROT=7 Cloakable=yes ; destroyer [DD] Prerequisite=syrd Primary=Stinger Secondary=DepthCharge Strength=400 Armor=heavy TechLevel=7 Sight=6 Speed=6 Owner=allies Cost=1000 Points=50 ROT=7 Sensors=Yes ; cruiser [CA] Prerequisite=syrd,atek Primary=8Inch Secondary=8Inch Strength=700 Armor=heavy TechLevel=10 Sight=7 Speed=4 Owner=allies Cost=2000 Points=60 ROT=5 Sensors=Yes ; transport [LST] Strength=350 Armor=heavy TechLevel=3 Sight=6 Speed=14 Owner=allies,soviet Cost=700 Points=25 ROT=10 Passengers=5 ; gun boat [PT] Prerequisite=syrd Primary=2Inch Secondary=DepthCharge Strength=200 Armor=heavy TechLevel=5 Sight=7 Speed=9 Owner=allies Cost=500 Points=30 ROT=7 Sensors=Yes ; ******* aircraft types ******* ; Badger bomber [BADR] Prerequisite=afld Primary=ParaBomb Strength=60 Armor=light TechLevel=-1 Sight=0 Speed=16 Owner=soviet Cost=10 Points=20 ROT=5 Ammo=5 Passengers=5 ; spy photo-recon plane [U2] Prerequisite=afld Primary=Camera Strength=2000 Armor=heavy TechLevel=-1 Sight=0 Speed=40 Owner=soviet Cost=10 Points=5 ROT=7 Ammo=1 ; snapshot film ; jet attack plane [MIG] Prerequisite=afld Primary=Maverick Secondary=Maverick Strength=50 Armor=light TechLevel=10 Sight=0 Speed=20 Owner=soviet Cost=1200 Points=50 ROT=5 Ammo=3 GuardRange=30 ; prop attack plane [YAK] Prerequisite=afld Primary=ChainGun Secondary=ChainGun Strength=60 Armor=light TechLevel=5 Sight=0 Speed=16 Owner=soviet Cost=800 Points=25 ROT=5 Ammo=15 Crewed=yes GuardRange=30 ; transport helicopter [TRAN] Prerequisite=hpad Strength=90 Armor=light TechLevel=11 Sight=0 Speed=12 Owner=soviet Cost=1200 Points=35 ROT=5 Passengers=5 ; Longbow attack helicopter [HELI] Prerequisite=hpad Primary=Hellfire Secondary=Hellfire Strength=225 Armor=heavy TechLevel=9 Sight=0 Speed=16 Owner=allies Cost=1200 Points=50 ROT=4 Ammo=6 Crewed=yes GuardRange=30 ; Hind attack helicopter [HIND] Prerequisite=hpad Primary=ChainGun Strength=225 Armor=heavy TechLevel=9 Sight=0 Speed=12 Owner=soviet Cost=1200 Points=40 ROT=4 Ammo=12 Crewed=yes GuardRange=30